How To Use Wayback Machine
In today's digital age, accessing past data from websites can be challenging, especially when site administrators have taken down the information we need. However, the Wayback Machine comes to the rescue, offering a treasure trove of archived web content. In this blog post, we will learn how to use the Wayback Machine to access old web data and some other aspects of it. Viewing Archived Websites To begin the search to get the old data of the website, enter the website you want to get. After entering the URL, choose the date which website is archived. Then, you will be able to view the website from the selected date. Requesting To Archive Website Not only we can search for already archived website from the Wayback Machine, but also we can request to achieve a target website. To begin with, enter the site you want to be archived. After the confirmation page appears, you can also select if you want to save the error pages. After confirming, the request will be sent the site...